Home Page



Yes I am a Leo.
Any way I don't believe in astrology.
This picture on the left is only an
" Ideal Introduction " about me !!

Feel free to move around this site and
send me your feedback.


In the Photos page I have put all my sketches.
There are two categories.
* Sketches done on paper which I have
scanned and put it here.
* Sketches done on the computer using "PAINT"

I have done some " one line cartoon funnies "
Anyway these jokes are orignally my ideas.
You might have read it somewhere else but u can
be sure that I haven't !!

Also in the space below, I'll be posting
"Updates done to the site"

So next time u see this site u can know if
there are any updates
What's Here
Many of you have seen my previous site.
Well the content is going to be similar.
This includes

* My sketches
* Interesting facts
* Jokes
* Bangalore page
* Books
* Links

I want to include a funny pictures page,
a page with cartoons I really like etc, a little
I'll see what else to put up.

The "Interesting Facts" ," Jokes" pages
have exactly what there name says.
I'll try to update it as often as possible.
You will have to excuse me if these links
are redundant in there content.
The " Bangalore Page" is a redundant link.
It will take u to the same page everytime u
click on it.Its there because I like Bangalore.
Those of u who havent read it before, read it.
In the "Books page", I'll keep adding new book
reviews(of the books I have read)
I'll try to post the cover page of the books.

Oh by the way ,
I'll be true. I haven't used hi-fi HTML and
stuff to create this page.I still don't know
to code in HTML !

Do you have this enthusiasm ?

tell me what u think
send me an email by pressing the button below

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